Since I never wanted to be a lawyer but is very fascinated about the criminal justice system
and how criminals in general think, what their frame of mind and psychological state is,
I really am inclined to take this path. I regret that time where in they offered this class
as an elective during college and since I'm bound to take biological sciences classes,
I wasn't able to partake in it (and mind you our professor and head of the psych department
in MC is the president of the Psychological Association of the Philippines).
I should've taken  that class cause no one offers such classes
(not that i know of) here in manila. Drad.

I was discussing this with my mom and of course,
she supports me all the way.
I even told her that if circumstances are different,
I might consider being a cop or something.

But yeah, not really.

Addiction to crime and investigation channel really instigated this
longing desire that I have to do something and know more about
how to do criminal profile and analysis.
Growing up, I always wanted to be an FBI or something.
Plus I did really well in our Abnormal Psychology class
so figures. (CHOS! haha)


Growing up with engineers and architects seemed to be normal for me since my dad,
brother, and uncles were in this profession. I even entertained the idea of pursuing this
field but after all my poor grades in math, nah, i threw that thought away.

The thing in interior design is that your perception and creative concept will be put to life
around someones home maybe for a lifetime. I do enjoy the process of starting something
from a bare wall to a fabulous spot where a person or a family can enjoy their time.

I'm considering checking out SoFA maybe next year.


A few days ago, I had this dream about this host/actress/singer's style
(in this scene she was wearing a purple dress with matching purple belt & shoes). 
Since i couldn't take that she wore that purple nightmare,
I told her to HIRE ME AS HER STYLIST. 
The dream was sooo funny that
my poor memory suddenly remembered every detail.

So yeah, I really am into FASHION.
If I can draw or even doodle, im probably currently a fashion designer as of this moment.
But seriously, My hand-eye-art coordination is at par worse than a preschooler. 

And then came RACHEL ZOE fabulously dressing Nicole Richie circa 2006 
when i was barely out of high school and enrolling for college. 
I knew that since my drawing skills are non-existent,
I did not enroll in any fashion design stuff since
my hands will probably abrogate that.

And then I thought, 
I probably have a shot as a celebrity stylist.

I mean, I knew BALENCIAGA and CHANEL
before I knew the ALPHABET.


After reading Anne Frank's novel, I did have a diary when I was in grade 4
and stopped around high school. 
I started this BLOG around 2004 and decided that an
online journal seemed much perfect
(And obviously, it is). 
Back then, Im in my sophomore year in high school,
seriously effed up, emo-loving,
nobody-cares-about-me kind of kid
and of course, jologs as hell.

And i turned into writing poems and short stories, reading greek mythology,
Sidney Sheldon, RL Stine and some other weird phases
that seemed so far fetched now.

I even had a notebook then filled with poems and
short stories with the dates and time kept under my pillow.
Im obviously better in English than in Math or Science 
and published one haiku in high school and
kept everything else under wraps. 

Writing for me back then was like breathing.
I feel kinda sad now that I forgot what its
like to feel inspired and write my heart out.

In college, i wrote a little and had some published
but i cant remember why i threw it away.

Maybe my first heart break killed it,
maybe I was too into Psychology
and forgot all about it,
or maybe
I just wanted to explore things other than
a pen and paper. 

But now that I started again, 
I will never let it go.
I am lazy, I know. 
But as people always say, "If you love what you do,
you will never work a day in your life."

But its starting to feel that writing is like an old scar

that i forgot about but was always there.
A reminder of life as i knew it during my youth,
the faces of my choices and
a reflection of who I am now,
a glimpse of who i will be and
a memento of who i was. 

